How to Grow Pomegranate Tree from Seed
Hello everyone today, we'll cover everything you need to know on how to grow a pomegranate tree from seeds. How To Cut the Pomegranate So let's get started first take a fresh pomegranate and make an incision on the top part of the pomegranate. Then pry open the top part and pop it open like a lid it comes right off pomegranate is a sectional fruit. This means the fruit is divided into sections or compartments the sectional lines will run right alongside the pomegranate over the ridges. This is what makes it easy to cut open the pomegranate start by cutting the skin of the pomegranate right on the ridge of one of the sections. The sections are easily marked with the lining of white walls keep cutting the skin alongside all the sectional walls. after all the cuts are made gently. Open the pomegranate and the pomegranate will open easily separated with the white walls of pulp. How To Get Seeds From the Pomegranate When it is cut open the right way alongside each section. Simply...